Life is a Path you take, and it doesn't matter how long it takes for you to arrive – what matters is the experience you received getting to your final destination.
The Meaning of Life – My Journey
(After writing my blog post I realized that this was not my intended topic, initially I wanted to blog about my night out and the experience I had.)
I woke up this morning to my mobile alarm telling me to wake the fuck up.
Imagine for a second how you’re living your life right now, in this moment. I suppose technically if you’re reading my blog post you are reading it in front of a computer or electronic device of some sort. However after reading this blog try to think about what you’re doing in life in this moment. I’ll give you an example: Right now it is 12PM noon as I am writing this blog post. However think about all the things in life that could be happening right at this moment? There are people in Japan who are currently partying in Tokyo; University students in Europe who are pre-drinking; there are people working something simple as retail to the world’s greatest minds developing a cure, an invention, or an idea. There are people in the world mourning lost loved ones, and people who are celebrating new ones. There is so much going on in the world at this moment, right now.
These are all experiences.
Now it’s impossible to experience everything all at once, that would mean creating a machine that could make billions of clones of yourself and having each clone connected to each other. However what we can do is enjoy each experience that we are living in. The problem is how do we find ourselves in new experiences? Let me talk about the dilemma I had while growing up, and the type of person that I am discovering myself to be.
I have always enjoyed thinking about life and unravelling the complexities of life. What is the meaning of life? To be honest, there is no meaning. The meaning is what we develop for ourselves, while some prefer to live a conservative lifestyle of work, family and retirement. Others may prefer a life of constant adventure and excitement. The question is discovering what we know to be true about our life, and if we can be satisfied with it.
As I mentioned I enjoy thinking about life, but one thing I have always been a fond of is experiencing. I believe that experience is an exciting moment in life; there are good experiences and there are bad ones. For my own purposes I will talk about my own journey and experience. I have always lived a life of little adventure and little experience, not because I wanted to, but because I was forced into it. Because of this little jail of comfort I was forced to live my life in, I have not experienced much in my life. That’s not to say that I haven’t done anything in my life, but let’s just say that I’ve lived a pretty sheltered life. There are people who say to me –often while we are about to do something most normal people don’t – “you’ve never done this before eh? you seem like a good kid”. There is a difference between “being a good kid” and “not experiencing”. A perfect example of how sheltered my life has been; I have gone to more bars in the past three days, than I have in my life (I’m turning 26 in 9 days). That’s not to say that I didn’t want to go out and bar hop, but when the people you hang out with only go to the same fucking place to eat half price chicken wings – your options are forced upon you.
That’s the beauty of life – as I see it at least – the people you meet and hang out with, will give you a different experience in life.
I’m not here to try and convince you to live a different style of life. Think about what makes you happy in your own life, because that’s the key to being successful. If reading a book and staying home on a Friday night is what makes you happy, then go for it. If spending countless days and nights in your workshop trying to develop the next big thing is what makes you happy, then go for it. If travelling the world moving from one location to the next makes you happy, then go for it. There are an unlimited amount of ways to live life, and the key is not to emulate the ones you see, it’s to develop one significant to you.
I want to experience everything in life, the good the bad, and the crazy; and probably not in that order. I’m not trying to make up for all of the time missed out in my youth, but I am learning that I did miss out on a lot. The key is acknowledging that there is an infinite amount of things to do in life, and you can’t do them all. My journey is to experience as much as I can, and leave here a documentation of all that I’ve learned
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